The film depicts the characters traveling through deserts and the seas, becoming victims of abuse, violence, robbery, torture, and illegal detention.
Daniele’s OSTs musically accompanies the film plot with an emotional intensity that is hard to put in words.
The haunting ambient beginning of ‘The Village’ creates a perfect canvas for the notes of a dreamy harp and lush strings. ‘Better Future’ is the second track within the compilation that is musically both melancholic and hopeful, together painting a remarkable human story. ‘The Sea’ as a piece of music echoes the rises, falls, calm and violent uncertainty of the sea.
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Tod’s collection is revealed through a film titled SevenT, where the main character (Lorenzo Zurzolo) reviews the script of his next film. “Seven” like the days of the week and “T” for Tod, but also for time. This is a film portraying the making of an Italian gentleman–how he takes shape, cosmopolitan in his absolute freedom..
Daniele’s otherworldly soundtrack in Tod’s -SevenT underscores a spark of panache and class in the actor and enlivens the aesthetics of the film. Watch the film below:
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